College Composition Weekly: Summaries of research for college writing professionals

Read, Comment On, and Share News of the Latest from the Rhetoric and Composition Journals


Welcome to College Composition Weekly!

For more than five years, I maintained CCW as a free web site and blog where you can read summaries of articles from major composition journals.

As of Summer 2021, I am no longer posting new summaries. Please feel free to search and make use of the many posts I made during these five years.

Read “About This Blog” to learn more about this site.

KING OF THE ROSES now available in print from Amazon!


(Be sure to buy this print edition! I’ve edited it and it counts toward my Amazon ranking!)

KOTR Tatiana300Personal News: I’ve republished my previously published mystery/suspense novels as ebooks. They are now available at Amazon here and here. Blood Lies is also available via Smashwords as well as at ebook retailers Barnes & Noble, iBooks, Kobo, Oyster, and Scribd. Visit my blog Just Can’t Help Writing and my web site,, for other direct links and sample chapters for King of the Roses and Blood Lies. Please “like” or write reviews! BL Tatiana300

Visit my Amazon Author Page!

2 thoughts on “Home

  1. Ms. Anderson,

    I just read your comment on the NY Times article on “writing instruction.” As an experienced AP teacher of English Language and Composition, I must concur. I currently conduct district workshops for teachers with a strong focus on teaching writing. I find that teachers often assign writing, but few teach it. I was a bit “old school” in the classroom, asking students to learn the parts of speech and parts of sentences, to diagram. I used the diagrams in my feedback and conferencing, so they could see their awkwardness. Ensuring they know the language of language supports giving specific directives to explore variations in writing style. I also agree that the sheer volume of work for secondary classroom teachers makes the proper teaching and workshopping quality writing a great challenge. I appreciate your comment and look forward to reviewing your blog.

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